["East meets West Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2024"] - Disorders of the Placenta and Umbilical Cord
7th "East meets West" Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2024 - brought to you by independent experts from Imperial College London, through Imperial Consultants, and supported by Samsung. [Why Attend] This webinar rebroadcasts “Disorder of the Placenta and Umbilical Cord” which was run on Dec 2023, one of the most popular series of Imperial College Webinar. Please join and get updated insight from live discussions from moderators & speakers again! Implantation of a pregnancy near to or into a caesarean scar leads to a number of diagnostic and management dilemmas. Is this a scar pregnancy that cannot continue? If so, what is the best way to manage the situation? Or, is this a pregnancy over the scar that may develop into a pathologically adherent placenta (PAS) or placenta previa? Later in pregnancy, PAS is associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality, in particular, major obstetric haemorrhage and peripartum hysterectomy. Accurate diagnosis is key to surgical planning. This webinar will cover all the important issues relating to the abnormally implanting placenta from early pregnancy to delivery – a critical issue for everyone working in the field. It will also discuss the management of Vasa previa that continues to be associated with significant morbidity.
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